Buglife & Wilder London
15 Mar 2024
A small yet mighty group of LRG team members set aside their Friday morning to tackle the creation of a beautiful biodiverse garden in central London in partnership with GreenTheUK and Wilder London.
After arriving to a massive pile of mulch and logs, the team got to work creating a Hugelkultur, a type of garden that utilises wooden branches underneath compost and soil which will provide nutrients to the plants as they decompose. Despite small showers of rain, our volunteers layered logs across the site, moved a massive mound of compost on top, and built the final stone wall of the garden to hold it in place. With the intensive labour and heavy lifting completed, the plants and trees were planted and some even recieved names.
Next time you're walking by the Canopi building in Southwark, keep an eye out for Jonathan the tree.