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Heal Rewilding


LOCATION:A lowland site in the south of England.  

AIM:Help buy land in England for nature recovery. Rewild an acre in your business' name. Give land back to nature, forever.


Restore nature by rewilding land. 1 in 10 species in the UK are in decline. By rewilding land across England, your support could deliver three major benefits: nature recovery, climate change action and human wellbeing. Create spaces where wildlife can live freely and vulnerable species can recover; help combat climate change and come and enjoy the natural space you are helping to restore.


Heal is a charity raising funding to buy land in England and rewild it, and the organisation is on track to acquire its first rewilding site in the south of England in 2022. 

Our sites will also be places of learning and engagement, where visitors will come to find out more about rewilding as a nature recovery approach, about living sustainably and about personal wellbeing.

Young people are central to the charity’s work, with a youth panel scrutinising Heal plans and policies as they are developed, creating and refining marketing and promotional materials, contributing to awareness campaigns, and suggesting new ideas on how Heal can help people of all ages and backgrounds to reconnect with nature.

As the land heals, increasing amounts of carbon will be sequestered, helping combat climate change.

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