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Project Seagrass


AIM:Project Seagrass is committed to the conservation of seagrass ecosystems and ensuring that the benefits they provide communities are sustained now and for the future.

LOCATION:Wales (and other UK locations)


Seagrasses are flowering plants that live in shallow sheltered areas along our coast. These sensitive plants are different from seaweed and form bright green leaves. These leaves form large, dense meadows under the sea. Like the coral reefs and rainforest’s of the tropics, these underwater gardens are full of life, hosting many animals of different shapes, colours and sizes. However, like rainforest’s and coral reefs, these incredible underwater gardens are threatened. Globally, estimates suggest we lose an area of seagrass around the same size as two football pitches every hour. Protecting what is left is vital.

Together with Project Seagrass and GreenTheUK, you could help restore seagrass on UK coastlines for:

  • Carbon sequestration, helping in the fight against climate change
  • Supplying fisheries
  • Supporting biodiversity: providing shelter and food for 1000s of species from shellfish to seahorses. 


Through education, influence, research and action, we can save seagrass. Project Seagrass is driven to lead societal change by turning cutting-edge research into effective conservation action and education schemes, and collaborating with local communities and other stakeholders. As a dedicated team of seagrass scientists, they work to protect seagrass, and through seagrass, they support marine conservation more broadly. 

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