Planting for the Future

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HH Global supported the planting of 200 climate-resilient trees in a local community space in 2023-2024

Project Overview

This report is about the Trees for Schools project where climate resilient trees have been planted in a local community space being used by a children's mental health organisation thanks to support from HH Global. They have sponsored the planting of trees in two schools as well. See the rest of the projects they have supported here.

Every tree planting workshop with the Trees for Schools programme is bespoke and tailored to the needs of the community. We take into account the age of the children and the existing availability of green space for new trees. A pre-planting consultation with the organisation helps us to understand which species will best suit their plans for the site, map out the planting and plan how the trees will best be used as a resource for the children.

Through this project, young people were taught about the importance of trees to local wildlife and why we need to plant them to help protect our planet. The children learnt how to plant trees and then helped plant them with our Education Officer. As well as educating children about climate change and wildlife, this project helped create a green learning space as well as a safe space to benefit the community.

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Project Statistics



Trees Planted


County Woodland Cover


"Director: We are incredibly appreciative of the donation of hedges for our Community Garden, this means the world to us that we have been able to cultivate a space that feels safe and enclosed for children and young people within the area of Derby City. With the installation of hedges we are hopefully allowing children to feel calmer and safer within the space so that they can focus on the activities our practitioners will be supporting them with – activities that are designed to improve their emotional health and wellbeing. Thank you very much for supporting our community’s mental health, the space will allow for children and families to access green space which perhaps they have not been able to access before. Child, age 9: People like trees, trees are good for you and they look cool. It looked bad before the trees arrived but now it looks cared for. Becky: It was great to be able to support this project as I know what it will mean to the children who are part of Bridge the Gap. Having a calm, relaxing space to talk about your feelings and develop coping strategies has never been more needed."

Planting for the Next Generation

The Wilmorton Community Gardens make up a greenspace in Derby dedicated to creating green opportunities for the local community. The children's mental health organisation, Bridge the Gap, is an emotional literacy service that has worked to establish a new plot at the community gardens to become a safe space that fosters growth, connection, and well-being for children and families.

At the Wilmorten Community Gardens in February 2024, 200 trees were planted to create a brand-new hedge that will help transform an old allotment into a therapeutic space for children needing support with mental health. The hedging trees will form a barrier around the allotment to boost privacy and reduce noise and visual input from beyond. By creating a green safe space for children, it will allow them to engage with nature while healing.


Meet Our Education Officer


Becky is our Learning and Outreach Manager. She is responsible for our Teaching Trees and Future Foresters programmes as well as being our Lead Trainer.

Becky has an MA in Educational Leadership and spent 11 years as a teacher. During that time she worked in senior leadership, teacher training and as a teaching and learning advisor. Becky is a qualified Forest School leader and is very experienced in helping schools make the most of their outside space for learning. Becky can help schools to design in tree planting that helps to reduce noise and air pollution from any nearby roads, benefit wildlife and make the most exciting and interactive spaces for high quality education.

Tree Species Planted:

200 trees planted in Derbyshire

Tree Leaf
50 Trees Planted

Hawthorn: Crataegus Monogyna

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Hawthorn: Crataegus Monogyna

Hawthorn is very much associated with the month of May, and the appearance of its bright, white flowers heralds the change from spring to summer. It is prolific in hedgerows, scrub and woodland throughout the UK and Ireland, and a single tree can grow as tall as 10m. In pagan times, hawthorn was a symbol of marriage and fertility, but in the Middle Ages, it was never brought into homes, as people believed it was a harbinger of illness and death.

Tree Leaf
50 Trees Planted

Elder: Sambucus Nigra

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Elder: Sambucus Nigra

Elder trees can be found growing all over the UK, often near rabbit warrens and the homes of other woodland creatures who spread the seeds through their droppings. Our ancestors in the Middle Ages believed that planting elder trees near their houses would ward off the Devil, and elder leaves were thrown into graves at funerals to protect the dead from evil spirits. Although poisonous when raw, elderberries can be cooked and made into syrup or jam, while elderflowers make the perfect refreshing summer cordial.

Tree Leaf
50 Trees Planted

Dog Rose: Cornus Alba

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Dog Rose: Cornus Alba

This pale pink hedgerow staple uses its thorns to clasp onto other plants and grow stronger. According to Roman naturalist Pliny the Elder, the plant is so-called because its root was once believed to cure the bite of a rabid dog. Rose hip oil is a popular ingredient in skincare products, and can also be used to make a syrup that is rich in vitamin C.

Tree Leaf
50 Trees Planted

Dogwood: Cornus Alba

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Dogwood: Cornus Alba

Dogwood thrives on the edges of damp woodlands and in hedgerows, so Britain’s wet climate really isn’t a problem for this fast-growing shrub. Mature dogwood trees can grow as high as 10m, with small blue-black fruits and little white flowers. It is one of the hardest woods there is, and was used to make crucifixes including - it is said - that of Jesus.

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