Planting for the Future

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Audi Sytner supported the planting of 5 hectares of wildflowers in the UK in 2023-24

Audi Sytner has taken action to restore one of the rarest habitats in the UK: wildflower meadows. They're essential for the protection and survival of insects around the country, thus a cornerstone of our entire ecosystem and food chain.

Wildflower meadows used to cover large swaths of England but approximately 97% of them have been lost since the 1930's, an area larger than the size of Wales.

Wildflower meadows provide insects with food, shelter and transport links across counties in the UK where biodiversity has been depleted by habitat loss, development, and intensive farming. World leading study, State of Nature confirms the UK as one of the world’s most nature depleted countries, with 1 in 6 of more than 10,000 species assessed (16%) at risk of being lost from Great Britain. Some species, such as the Six-banded Nomad Bee have gone from being found all across southern England, to only being found in Devon.


Pollinators are critical to food chains and as such, wildflower meadows provide valuable support for wildlife and all life on earth, including humans. In the words of Kew Gardens, 'The more wildflowers there are, the more diverse pollinators they can support, and the more healthy crops we can grow.'

Our solution is to restore B-Lines - a network of insect pathways along which we are restoring and creating wildflower rich habitat. These pollinator highways created in partnership with GreenTheUK and Buglife will extend across the whole of the UK, allowing wildlife to move freely through our countryside and towns. Rather than covering entire regions in wildflowers, stepping stones of habitat have been created along the network to fulfil their purpose as efficiently as possible. In the event of the collapse of a wildflower habitat, having the B-Lines to provide new habitat and connect them with other wildflower meadows, we can save whole communities of insects from being lost.

Thanks to support from Audi Sytner, a network of flower-rich pathways that benefits pollinators, other wildlife, and people across the UK has been created.

Wildflower Restoration in Ealing (1.12 hectares)

Wildflower seed was spread across Great Bramston Meadows near Horsendon Farm in Ealing, a location within 30 minutes away from Audi West London and Slough. With the help of local volunteers, contractors and Ealing Council staff, the site was prepped and seeded with a mix of wildflower and grass seed to create habitat and food resources for pollinators as well as other invertebrates, such as grass hoppers and crickets.

This work contributes to the Get London Buzzing Project, and will help create stepping stones of wildflower rich habitat across the city to benefit B-Lines and pollinators. This was historically meadow, but previously a golf green, and under-managed secondary woodland. Left to rewild and grazed over a couple of seasons, the native seed bank is gradually being restored. The seed mix sponsored by Audi Sytner and provided by Buglife was added into patches of low diversity and thinner amenity grasses, or where scrub had been cleared leaving bare soil. See below for photos of the yarrow (white flowers pictured with two calves).

The mix chosen for this area is based on regenerative agriculture principles and traditional livestock farming where herbal lays are planted for grazing animals as they are high in protein. They are also great for pollinators and have deep tap roots which help to stabilise soils in increasingly wet winters.

The cattle on this farm are rare breed Shetlands owned and cared for by Horsenden rare breeds team. They are ideal for conservation grazing and thrive on rough grasses, tree leaves, and brambles, so are helping us maintain these areas as meadows. Their light impact still allows a good thatch layer to support small mammals which are attracting nesting kestrels, see photos below of this year’s brood being ringed and about to leave their nest box.

In other areas a different seed mix was used to in-fill areas previously cleared of scrub by tractors. All seed was hand sown by staff and volunteers.

Wildflower Restoration in Derby (2 hectares)

Meynell Estate is 450 acres of farmland, woodland and parkland with biodiversity and nature at its heart. Wildflower seed was spread over two hectares of the estate, using a tractor. This work adds to the ongoing rewilding efforts across the Estate's land to better enhance the area for pollinators, other invertebrates and wildlife. The seed was scattered across patches of multiple fields to create a stepping-stone effect, allowing pollinators to easily hop from one area to another.

Meynell Langley welcomes school groups to experience the countryside and spend time in the natural world where they learn about food and farming, plants, animals, wildlife and habitats. Children explore parts of plants and their functions, plant life cycles, observe pollination of flowering plants and try identifying species.

Wildflower Restoration in Nottingham (0.38 hectares)

Audi Sytner supported wildflower meadow creation and enhancement across 4 of Nottingham Trent Universities campuses. A wildflower meadow, that was established in 2023 with support from Buglife and GreenTheUK, was reseeded on Brackenhurst Campus with students from the Conservation Society. By reseeding the area, we can ensure the continuation of the meadow and wildflower diversity for the following year.

A small wildflower meadow was created on a patch of poor condition amenity grassland within the universities’ Mansfield Campus. Clifton Campus also saw support with wildflowers introduced to a patch of unused amenity grassland in poor condition as well as the lawn outside of the NTU Clifton Crime House, which has been turned into a Hedgehog Friendly Garden this year as part of their Hedgehog Friendly Campus initiative.

Finally, the University Hall Lawn on City Campus also benefitted from some wildflower seed. This space is used for graduation and the introduction of wildflowers will create a wonderful, buzzing meadow that graduates can use to celebrate their achievements for many years to come.

Wildflower Restoration in Devon (1.5 hectares)

Life on the Edge is an exciting Buglife partnership project that aims to restore viable populations of some of the UK’s rarest invertebrates and plants living along the South Devon coast between Berry Head and Wembury. Thirty threatened species will be directly supported by the project, including the last known colony of the Six-banded Nomad Bee (Nomada sexfasciata) and the striking Long-horned Bee (Eucera longicornis).

Audi Sytner has supported 1.5 hectares of Yellow Rattle (Rhinanthus minor) seeding on Field 36 at Wembury Barton Farm in Devon, which is managed by the National Trust and located at Grid Reference SX533481.

Field 36’s southern boundary is against the maritime cliff and slope that runs between Season Point and Warren Point. This area contains a large number of native wildflowers including Sea Thrift (Armeria maritima), Bird’s-foot Trefoil (Lotus corniculatus), and Wild Carrot (Daucus carota) as well as many others. Several of these species have started to spread into Field 36 via natural colonisation thanks to a change in management practice, however they are having difficulty competing with the vigorous growth of grasses in the field. The addition of a Yellow Rattle heavy seed mix will suppress the grass growth and will accelerate the recolonisation of the field by native wildflowers. Additionally, the seed mix applied is also rich in composites, flowers in the daisy and dandelion family, which are the primary food plants of the Hawksbeard Mining Bee (Andrena fulvago), one of the Life on the Edge target species for Wembury.

Wildflowers & Grasses Planted

Lady’s Bedstraw

Lady’s Bedstraw: Galium Verum

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Lady’s Bedstraw: Galium Verum

You can recognise this plant by the stunning clusters of bright yellow flowers which burst forth in the summer months and smell faintly of honey. When dried, Lady’s Bedstraw has a scent reminiscent of hay, and it used to be used to stuff mattresses, especially for women who were about to go into labour, which is probably how it got its interesting name. It was also commonly used to curdle milk to make cheese!

Black Medick

Black Medick: Medicago Lupulina

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Black Medick: Medicago Lupulina

Also known as hop clover, this annual or short-lived perennial plant sprawls out along the ground and has small clusters of yellow flowers. The flowers are rich in nectar and attractive to bees; the blooms later turn into small black seed pods. Sheep like to graze on black medick, but cattle are not too fond of the taste.

Salad Burnet

Salad Burnet: Sanguisorba Minor

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Salad Burnet: Sanguisorba Minor

Salad burnet has a taste that is somewhat reminiscent of cucumber, making it a popular kitchen garden plant for use in drinks, salads, sauces and elsewhere. In the 1600s, English settlers took it with them to the New World where it quickly became a popular delicacy, and Thomas Jefferson was known to be a fan. He wasn’t the only one; Sir Francis Bacon suggested planting salad burnet along pathways to perfume the air.

Bladder Campion

Bladder Campion: Silene Vulgaris

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Bladder Campion: Silene Vulgaris

This common wildflower gets its name from the balloon-like bulge that sits behind its petals. You can spot its white flowers growing in meadows, grassland and hedgerows between May and September. Bladder campion leaves are widely eaten in the Mediterranean; you’ll find bunches of them for sale in Cyprus, in Italy they are used to flavour risottos, while in Spain, they used to be added to the cold soup gazpacho.

Wild Carrot

Wild Carrot: Daucus Carota

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Wild Carrot: Daucus Carota

This biennial herbaceous plant is closely related to the carrots we grow and eat today. If you dig up the roots early enough, they are edible, but by the time the flowers appear, they will be too old and woody to eat. Wild carrot flowers are small and white, which is how this plant got its other name: Queen Anne’s lace.

Common Cat’s-ear

Common Cat’s-ear: Hypochaeris Radicata

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Common Cat’s-ear: Hypochaeris Radicata

These bright yellow flowers can be found growing in grassy areas all over the UK, from roadside verges to parks and meadows. This plant has an impressive rosette of leaves, which means it is often mistaken for the dandelion. The common cat’s-ear can be frustrating for gardeners, as it uses its strong root to anchor itself to the ground before springing up on lawns.


Cowslip: Primula Veris

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Cowslip: Primula Veris

You can recognise the cowslip by its clusters of drooping bell-shaped yellow flowers which make a cheery addition to meadows and woodlands. Cowslips are very strongly associated with springtime and Easter, thriving on chalky soils where they flower between April and May. They were traditionally picked to make May Day garlands and wedding decorations.

Hoary Plantain

Hoary Plantain: Plantago Media

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Hoary Plantain: Plantago Media

You’re most likely to see this perennial in England between the months of May and August. The hoary plantain has a rosette of leaves at its base, a slim stem and delicate pinkish-white flowers growing out of a thick spike at the top. This plant grows best in dry grassland areas, especially where there is chalk or limestone soil.


Self-heal: Prunella Vulgaris

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Self-heal: Prunella Vulgaris

Self-heal’s bright purple flowers grow close to the ground in meadows and grasslands as well as by the side of the road and on lawns. It is in bloom between June and October. As you might expect from the name, this small plant has long been used in herbal medicine to treat a number of ailments.

Sheep’s Sorrel

Sheep’s Sorrel: Rumex Acetosella

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Sheep’s Sorrel: Rumex Acetosella

Sheep’s sorrel leaves look a little like spinach, and they are widely used in salads or as a garnish. The plant has a citrus taste, so it features in both sweet and savoury dishes. Sheep’s sorrel grows quickly and has small, red flowers which are pollinated by the wind.

Bird’s-foot Trefoil

Bird’s-foot Trefoil: Lotus Corniculatus

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Bird’s-foot Trefoil: Lotus Corniculatus

Bird’s-foot trefoil is already a pretty great name, but this plant has many other exciting aliases, including “hen and chickens” and “eggs and bacon”. These colourful names refer to the plant’s red and yellow flowers. Its seed pods are reminiscent of a bird’s claws.

Kidney Vetch

Kidney Vetch: Anthyllis Vulneraria

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Kidney Vetch: Anthyllis Vulneraria

Also known as lady’s fingers or devil’s claws, these slightly woolly-looking bright yellow flowers bloom from June to September. The kidney vetch thrives on sand dunes and cliffs and can be found dotted around the UK coastline. This plant used to be known as “woundwort” and was used as a herbal remedy for cuts and bruises


Yarrow: Achillea Millefolium

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Yarrow: Achillea Millefolium

This hardy perennial has a slightly aniseed taste and can be made into tea; in the Middle Ages, it was used to flavour beer. Centuries ago, Yarrow was used to heal wounds and stop bleeding, but it was also thought to start nosebleeds, and still has the nickname “nosebleed plant”. Starlings and other birds use yarrow to line their nests.


Yellow-rattle: Rhinanthus Minor

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Yellow-rattle: Rhinanthus Minor

This plant’s yellow flowers are in bloom from May to September. It makes a popular addition to any wildflower meadow, as it feeds off the nutrients in other grasses, reducing competition between species. Its seeds grow in brown pods which make a slight rattling sound.

Common Cat’s-ear

Common Cat’s-ear: Hypochaeris Radicata

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Common Cat’s-ear: Hypochaeris Radicata

These bright yellow flowers can be found growing in grassy areas all over the UK, from roadside verges to parks and meadows. This plant has an impressive rosette of leaves, which means it is often mistaken for the dandelion. The common cat’s-ear can be frustrating for gardeners, as it uses its strong root to anchor itself to the ground before springing up on lawns.


Yellow-rattle: Rhinanthus Minor

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Yellow-rattle: Rhinanthus Minor

This plant’s yellow flowers are in bloom from May to September. It makes a popular addition to any wildflower meadow, as it feeds off the nutrients in other grasses, reducing competition between species. Its seeds grow in brown pods which make a slight rattling sound.

Meadow Buttercup

Meadow Buttercup: Ranunculus Acris

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Meadow Buttercup: Ranunculus Acris

Buttercups are a familiar sight around the world, with this species being particularly hard to miss with its bright yellow colour and also being referred to as the “giant” or “tall” buttercup. Commonly used by Native American tribes to treat headaches, this plant is characteristically found in grazed grasslands and prefers soil with intermediate drainage. While sometimes considered a problematic weed in mowed lawns, the Meadow Buttercup is a valued addition to wildflower meadows and one cultivated variety even has the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit.

Red Campion

Red Campion: Silene Dioica

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Red Campion: Silene Dioica

Native to the British Isles, this 5-petaled flower is commonly seen growing on roadsides, in woodlands, and on rocky slopes where there is damp soil. If you visit the Isle of Man you may hear it referred to as “blaa ny ferrishyn” or “fairy flower” and make sure not to pick them as it is a taboo to do so on the island.

White Campion

White Campion: Silene Alba

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White Campion: Silene Alba

Not to be confused with Silene Vulgaris, this wildflower is also commonly referred to as Bladder Campion. Across England it has gained further nicknames including “Grave Flower” or “Flower of the Dead” due to its propensity for growing on graves and around tombstones, likely due to a preference for open, sunny areas. Their nectar-rich flowers are a hotspot of activity for bees, butterflies, and other insects making them a perfect addition to at-home wildflower gardens.

Ox-eye Daisy

Ox-eye Daisy: Leucanthemum Vulgare

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Ox-eye Daisy: Leucanthemum Vulgare

Ox-eye Daisy is a small, yet resilient flower and has the ability to thrive in diverse habitats. The yellow centre of the oxeye daisy is made up of many small flowers which hold nectar enjoyed by various pollinating insects, including butterflies, bees and hoverflies. A mature plant can produce up to 26,000 seeds that are spread by animals, vehicles, water and contaminated agricultural produce, and some seeds remain viable for up to nearly forty years.

Common Knapweed

Common Knapweed: Centaurea Nigra

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Common Knapweed: Centaurea Nigra

Black Knapweed, a native UK wildflower, is recognised by its distinctive bright pink and purple, thistle-like flower heads. It's a superb wildlife plant as the flowers are rich in nectar and pollen, and attract bees, moths and butterflies such as the Marbled white butterfly. It’s seeds are popular with birds like goldfinches.

Musk Mallow

Musk Mallow: Malva Moschata

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Musk Mallow: Malva Moschata

Musk Mallow is a beautiful flowering plant with pink saucer-shaped petals with an attractive scent and as such is typically grown as an ornamental plant. It is native to most of Europe and southwestern Asia, preferring dry yet fertile soils and is commonly found in hedgerows. Numerous bees, butterflies, and other beneficial insects are commonly attracted to the musky fragrance.

Rough Chervil

Rough Chervil: Chaerophyllum Temulum

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Rough Chervil: Chaerophyllum Temulum

Unlike many other species in its genus, the Rough Chervil is poisonous. The latin generic name “Chaerophyllum” is a compound of the Greek “to please" and “leaf”, giving the meaning “having pleasant foliage”. The specific name “temulum” means “drunken” - from the similarity of the symptoms elicited by poisoning by the plant to those of alcoholic intoxication. Rough Chervil is a pioneer species, being one of the first to colonise and populate barren environments and will grow in a variety of habitats. It is commonly found as a roadside species across England.


Viper's-bugloss: Echium vulgare

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Viper's-bugloss: Echium vulgare

Also known as blueweed for its vibrant blue flowers, Viper’s-bugloss is a native species that had its roots used as a treatment for snake bites, particularly vipers, in ancient times. It is commonly found growing in coastal areas and areas of unimproved grassland and chalk downland where it is a fan-favourite of Burnet Moths and Red Mason Bees. Due to its fondness of dryer soils, it is particularly well suited to dry gardens in areas prone to drought.

Hedge Bedstraw

Hedge Bedstraw: Galium Album

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Hedge Bedstraw: Galium Album

As the name suggests, you’ll often find Hedge Bedstraw scrambling through hedgerows across England and Wales, and occasionally up into Southern Scotland and Ireland. It is easily distinguishable from other similar bedstraws by its smooth stem and relatively broad white/pale yellow leaves.

Meadow Crane's-bill

Meadow Crane's-bill: Geranium pratense

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Meadow Crane's-bill: Geranium pratense

Meadow Crane’s-bill is a famously popular member of the family Geraniaceae. Growing in clumps up to 1 metre across, they have hairy stems and with saucer-shaped blooms of 5 pale violet petals. Numerous cultivars (a kind of cultivated plant that people have selected for desired traits and which retains those traits when propagated) have been grown and are available for anyone to acquire, some of which have even gained the Royal Horticultural Society’s Award of Garden Merit.

Field Scabious

Field Scabious: Knautia arvensis

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Field Scabious: Knautia arvensis

These vibrant bluish-purple flowers are related to the honeysuckle, rich in nectar and attractive to insects, especially bees. They are also known as “pincushion flowers” because they have short petals with little stamens sticking out of them. This flower gets its name from the Latin word for itch, because it was once believed to be a remedy for the skin disease scabies.

Meadow Vetchling

Meadow Vetchling: Lathyrus pratensis

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Meadow Vetchling: Lathyrus pratensis

Meadow Vetchling is a scrambling plant that is part of the Legume (pea) family. It’s found in hardy habitats like rough grassland, wasteland and road verges due to its climbing nature. Looking for vibrant yellow flowers followed by shiny black seeds will help identify this species.


Sainfoin: Onobrychis Viciifolia

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Sainfoin: Onobrychis Viciifolia

With its unique appearance and important history, the common sainfoin is a popularly cultivated flower. Once a very popular forage legume up until the 1950’s, it has made a comeback in interest due to its anti-parasitic properties. As a natural anti-parasitic, it is a common addition to diets of livestock and is preferred by many species to other legumes such as clovers and alfalfa. As an open pollinating plant, it is fertilised by bees, moths, birds, bats, and even the wind or rain, and is an excellent candidate for boosting local biodiversity.

Ribwort Plantain

Ribwort Plantain: Plantago Lanceolata

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Ribwort Plantain: Plantago Lanceolata

You’re most likely to see this perennial in England between the months of May and August. The hoary plantain has a rosette of leaves at its base, a slim stem and delicate pinkish-white flowers growing out of a thick spike at the top. This plant grows best in dry grassland areas, especially where there is chalk or limestone soil.

Bulbous Buttercup

Bulbous Buttercup: Ranunculus Bulbosus

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Bulbous Buttercup: Ranunculus Bulbosus

Having a very fun name to say, the Bulbous Buttercup is found across Western Europe and large swaths of North America. It has 5-7 bright yellow petals and is a common sight in lawns, pastures, and particularly hay fields. This buttercup contains a bitter toxin which leads to most animals avoiding it, aside from pigs which are unaffected by it and actively seek out the buttercups over long distances to consume them. They’ve given the Bulbous Buttercup its nickname: St Anthony’s turnip, after the patron saint of swineherds.

Great Burnet

Great Burnet: Sanguisorba officinalis

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Great Burnet: Sanguisorba officinalis

Great burnet has a taste that is somewhat reminiscent of cucumber, making it a popular kitchen garden plant for use in drinks, salads, sauces and elsewhere. In the 1600s, English settlers took it with them to the New World where it quickly became a popular delicacy, and Thomas Jefferson was known to be a fan. He wasn’t the only one; Sir Francis Bacon suggested planting salad burnet along pathways to perfume the air.

Tufted Vetch

Tufted Vetch: Vicia Cracca

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Tufted Vetch: Vicia Cracca

Tufted Vetch is known for its vibrant purple flowers and can be seen on grasslands, scrubland, woodland edges and the coast. Like other Legume plants, including beans and peas, Tufted Vetch has nitrogen-fixing properties which enrich their surrounding solis. Nitrogen is an essential part for plant growth and most plants rely on the availability of nitrogen in the soil to survive.

Red Clover

Red Clover: Trifolium pratense

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Red Clover: Trifolium pratense

As with all clovers, Red Clover is part of the bean family Fabaceae and native to Europe, Western Asia, and parts of Northern Africa. Despite the name, the Red Clover boasts dark pink flowers and is extremely popular both with many types of bumblebees as a food source and people as an ornamental plant. The flowers are edible and can be used as a garnish or ground into flour. It is also extremely valued as a fodder crop as it increases social fertility by nitrogen fixation.

Alsike Clover

Alsike Clover: Trifolium Hybridum

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Alsike Clover: Trifolium Hybridum

Alsike Clover, named after the town of Alsike, Sweden, was originally believed to be a hybrid of White Clover and Red Clover, hence the latin name Trifolium hybridum. As it turns out, it is an entirely separate species that just happens to have flowers with a pink to white colour gradient. It blooms from spring to autumn and is widely cultivated as a forage crop. It is naturally found alongside roads, in fields and meadows, as well as in banks and waste ground. Like many clovers, it is beneficial to soil quality, being found to quickly lower the pH of soil, increasing its viable area of reproduction and heavily reducing the density of weeds.

Meadow Vetchling

Meadow Vetchling: Lathyrus pratensis

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Meadow Vetchling: Lathyrus pratensis

Meadow Vetchling is a scrambling plant that is part of the Legume (pea) family. It’s found in hardy habitats like rough grassland, wasteland and road verges due to its climbing nature. Looking for vibrant yellow flowers followed by shiny black seeds will help identify this species.

Greater knapweed

Greater knapweed: Centaurea scabiosa

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Greater knapweed: Centaurea scabiosa

Greater Knapweed, characterised by deep purple thistle-like flowers, blooms in summer and attracts butterflies and bees. Its rugged appearance lends it a robust presence in meadows. This wildflower has medieval associations with knighthood and chivalry.

Common Vetch

Common Vetch: Vicia Sativa

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Common Vetch: Vicia Sativa

A member of the pea family, Common Vetch is an edible plant; its flowers and leaves can be eaten raw or cooked. It is useful as a soil-fertilising plant as it is able to make its own nitrates, a special nutrient essential for healthy plant growth. Its flowers, which appear between May and September, are pinky-purple and pea-like.


Agrimony: Agrimonia Eupatoria

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Agrimony: Agrimonia Eupatoria

Agrimony is a herbaceous plant with slender spikes of small yellow flowers. It is mentioned in ancient medicinal texts by herbalists like Dioscorides and Pliny the Elder, and Shakespeare mentions its ability to ward off sleep and nightmares in "A Midsummer Night's Dream." Its leaves emit a pleasant fragrance


Crosswort: Cruciata laevipes

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Crosswort: Cruciata laevipes

Crosswort carpets woodland clearings with small, cross-shaped flowers. Its leaves create a distinctive pattern. It is often cited as an ingredient in ancient folk remedies.


Marjoram: Origanum majorana

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Marjoram: Origanum majorana

Wild marjoram, loved by bees, other pollinating insects and humans alike, can be found on chalk or limestone grassland, hedge banks, woodland rides and scrub. Often called oregano in Europe, marjoram is best known as a pizza herb, and is important in both Greek and Italian cuisine. Wild Marjoram has been traditionally used to treat colds, indigestion and stomach upsets.

Scabious Stamp

Scabious: Scabiosa

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Scabious: Scabiosa

These vibrant bluish-purple flowers are related to the honeysuckle, rich in nectar and attractive to insects, especially bees. They are also known as “pincushion flowers” because they have short petals with little stamens sticking out of them. This flower gets its name from the Latin word for itch, because it was once believed to be a remedy for the skin disease scabies.

Common Bent

Common Bent: Agrostis Castellana

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Common Bent: Agrostis Castellana

This slightly wispy, bristly perennial grass grows quickly. It is also known as highland bent, and is often found on roadsides or in wildflower meadows. Common bent is what is known as a hyperaccumulator of zinc and lead, which means it can grow in soils with a high concentration of those metals.

Crested Dog’s-tail

Crested Dog’s-tail: Cynosurus Cristatus

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Crested Dog’s-tail: Cynosurus Cristatus

This common perennial grass grows in tufts in lowland areas where there isn’t too much water. Crested dog’s-tail is stiff and used to be used for making bonnets. It germinates quickly but takes quite a while to grow, so it doesn’t compete against and dominate other species in the wildflower meadow.

Sheep’s Fescue

Sheep’s Fescue: Festuca Ovina

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Sheep’s Fescue: Festuca Ovina

This narrow-leaved grass grows in tufts and is slightly spiky in appearance. It fares well in loamy soil and is often found growing in pasturelands where, as you might expect from the name, sheep like to graze on it. Sheep’s fescue has very dense bunches of roots, which makes it tricky for weeds to take hold nearby.

Smooth-stalked Meadow Grass

Smooth-stalked Meadow Grass: Poa Pratensis

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Smooth-stalked Meadow Grass: Poa Pratensis

This perennial grass species likes to grow in fertile, well-drained soil. It is a valuable pasture plant and is often used to make lawns in parks and gardens. Poa pratensis is also known as Kentucky bluegrass, and in the USA, it is used as a playing surface in both American Football and Major League Baseball.

Small-leaved Timothy

Small-leaved Timothy: Phleum Pratense ssp Bertolinii

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Small-leaved Timothy: Phleum Pratense ssp Bertolinii

This grass is named after Timothy Hanson, an American farmer who introduced it to the United States in the early 1700s. Timothy grass is a common trigger for those who suffer from seasonal allergies, but its pollen has been used in the development of a hay fever vaccine. Timothy hay is a popular treat for many animals, from small pets to thoroughbred racehorses.

Red Fescue

Red Fescue: Festuca Rubra

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Red Fescue: Festuca Rubra

Widespread across the entire Northern Hemisphere, this species of grass can grow in all sorts of habitats and climates. It does however, prefer shade and is often planted as an ornamental species in gardens for its shade tolerance. It has narrow, needle-like leaves and as such is commonly avoided by livestock.

Smaller Cat’s-tail

Smaller Cat’s-tail: Phleum Bertolonii

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Smaller Cat’s-tail: Phleum Bertolonii

A leafy grass of medium height, it is found across most of Britain. Its tight, cylindrical heads give it the name “cat’s-tail” and you’ll commonly see it growing along roadsides or in old meadows and pastures. Smaller Cat’s-tail can be sown at any time of year and will readily establish itself from even a small amount of seeds.

Meadow Foxtail

Meadow Foxtail: Alopecurus Pratensis

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Meadow Foxtail: Alopecurus Pratensis

Meadow Foxtail is one of the earliest grasses to bloom in the UK, flowering as early as April. It’s widely cultivated for both hay and pasture grazing and grows to around one metre in height. Aside from grazing animals, it is known to be a food source for many caterpillars, such as the Essex skipper.

Perennial Ryegrass

Perennial Ryegrass: Lolium Perenne

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Perennial Ryegrass: Lolium Perenne

Also known as English ryegrass, it is a low-growing, tufted, hairless grass, with a tendency to grow in bunches. As a very common and important pasture plant, it was exported across the world and grows worldwide. Its ability to easily set seed and germinate has led to it spreading to roadsides, trackways, footpaths, wasteland, river banks, and even sand dunes. As such, it is useful for preventing erosion and stabilising soils.

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Over time, this meadow should be home to a rich variety of wildlife which could include…

Buff-tailed bumblebee: Bombus terrestris

Buff-tailed bumblebee

These are the giants of the bumblebee world, and the whole species is named after the buff colour of their queen’s tail. They can be found in the UK’s lowlands, nesting underground in very large groups. These insects are very fond of nectar, and if they can’t easily reach it with their tongues, they will bite a hole in the flower to suck it out.

Common Carder Bee: Bombus Pascuorum

Common Carder Bee

This relatively small ginger-coloured bumblebee is widespread throughout the UK, in habitats including farms, woods and gardens. Carder bees have very long tongues and feed on heather, clover and lavender. They often nest in old mouse runs and disused birds’ nests.

Red-tailed Bumblebee: Bombus Lapidarius

Red-tailed Bumblebee

This is an abundant species of bumblebee that is found all over the UK. This social bee nests in disused burrows, under stones or at the base of old dry stone walls. Both males and females have the eponymous red tails as well as velvety black bodies and transparent wings.

Shrill Carder Bee: Bombus Sylvarum

Shrill Carder Bee Stamp

The shrill carder bee is one one of the rarest bumblebees in the UK, and is only found in a handful of locations, including the Newport Wetlands in South Wales. This bee has a distinctly high-pitched buzz, which is why it got the moniker “shrill”. Carder bees have very long tongues which they stick into flowers so that they can suck nectar.

Brown-banded Carder Bee: Bombus Humilis

Brown-banded Carder Bee Stamp

The brown-banded carder bee is a bumblebee that favours heaths and dry, open grasslands. It has a chestnut-coloured thorax and strawberry-blond abdomen, but there are a few black hairs at the base of its wings. Populations have declined because of habitat loss, but this bee can be found in clusters in north Cornwall and Newport in South Wales, for example.

Honeybee: Apis Mellifera


Honeybees have six legs, four wings and five eyes. They use the Sun, and possibly the Earth’s magnetic fields, to navigate, and they can fly at speeds of up to 20mph when in search of food. At the height of summer there are around 40,000 honeybees in each hive, and that number drops to around 5,000 in the winter.

Tawny Mining Bee: Andrena Fulva

Tawny Mining Bee

These furry, ginger bees are commonly found in parks and gardens across southern Britain during April and May. They feed from a wide variety of plants including dandelions, buttercups, willows and fruit trees. Tawny mining bees often make their nests in lawns and flowerbeds or in orchards where they can be close to apple, pear and cherry blossom for example.

Red Mason: Osmia Rufa

Red Mason

Also known as the red mason bee, this insect can be found in cities, towns and villages across Britain and Europe. Females make their homes and lay their eggs in wall cavities, under roof tiles and even inside keyholes, lining their nests with mud. These bees are excellent pollinators, particularly of apple trees.

A Leaf-cutter Bee: Megachile Centuncularis

A Leaf-cutter Bee

As the name suggests, if you spot semi-circular holes in leaves, it’s a sign that this bee has been at work in your garden. The insect then carries the little pieces of leaf back to its nest, gluing them together with saliva to build cells for their larvae. You can spot this bee from April to August when it flies around feeding on pollen and nectar.

Large Scabious Bee: Andrena Hattofiana

Large Scabious Bee Stamp

This solitary bee can be found in small numbers across Europe, and it is now considered an endangered species. As the name suggests, this bee needs scabious flowers to thrive, and as scabious-rich habitats have declined, so bee numbers have followed. Small populations have been found in Cornwall, notably in the rough of golf courses, where scabious flowers can thrive, attracting the bees.

Marmalade Hoverfly: Episyrphus Balteatus

Marmalade Hoverfly

The marmalade hoverfly is so-called because it is orange with black stripes that are thin or “thick cut” just like the popular preserve! It is Britain’s most common hoverfly and can be seen in parks, gardens, hedgerows and woods. They are present all year round, but numbers are often much higher in the summer when marmalade hoverflies migrate to the UK from abroad.

Drone Fly: Eristalis Tenax

Drone Fly

This insect’s patchy brown and orange body makes it look a lot like the male honeybee, which is a very effective way to keep it safe from predators. Drone flies also copy honeybee flight patterns as they move around in search of nectar. Their larvae, nicknamed “rat-tailed maggots”, feed on rotting organic material in stagnant water.

Pellucid Hoverfly: Volucella Pellucens

Pellucid Hoverfly

This large black fly has a white stripe on its body and black spots on its transparent wings. It can be found throughout most of Britain and Ireland, and is often seen feasting on bramble flowers in hedgerows or on the edge of woodland. The larvae develop in wasp nests where they feed on detritus wasp grubs.

Large Narcissus Fly: Merodon Equestris

Large Narcissus Fly

This medium-sized hoverfly looks very much like a bumblebee, which provides great protection against predators. This insect loves warm, sunny spots full of flowers, like gardens in the summer. Females lay their eggs on the leaves of bulbous plants such as bluebells and daffodils, and the larvae then burrow into the bulbs, feeding on them and causing some damage.

Soldier Beetle: Cantharis Rustica

Soldier Beetle

The soldier beetle makes its home in open woodland or anywhere where there is tall grass. These carnivorous predators are common throughout England and Wales, where they can be seen from May to July. The adults prefer to hunt for food on flowers, while their larvae live on the ground, feeding on a range of other creatures.

7-spot Ladybird: Coccinella Septempunctata

7-spot Ladybird

These ladybirds are easy to identify because, just as you might expect, they have a pattern of seven black spots on their red wing cases. They are our most common ladybirds, found in parks and gardens throughout the UK. Ladybirds use their bright colours to warn predators that they won’t taste good, but it doesn’t always work!

Rose Chafer: Cetonia Aurata

Rose Chafer

These beetles have distinctive green and purple-bronze iridescent bodies, making them easy to identify. They love crawling on flowers on sunny days, when they shimmer in the light and look even more striking. Their favourite source of food, as the name indicates, is the rose, and the dog rose in particular.

Flower Beetle: Oedeomera Nobilis

Flower Beetle

This beetle is so-called because the male of the species has large green bulges on its hind thighs, whereas the female does not. It used to be quite rare, but is now a very abundant species throughout the UK. You should be able to spot the adults without too much difficulty, as they like to feed on open flowers like daisies

Peacock Butterfly: Inachis Io

Peacock Butterfly

This common British butterfly gets its name from the large spots on its wings, which are reminiscent of peacock feathers. These markings help to scare off predators in the woods, gardens and parks where they live. They hibernate in winter, folding up their wings to show the dull undersides so that they can blend in with their surroundings while they sleep.

6-spot Burnet: Zygaena Filipendulae

6-spot Burnet

You are most likely to spot this medium-sized moth flying around in the daytime between June and August. It has six red spots on each of its glossy black forewings. If attacked, the burnet moth will release cyanide, so the spots serve as a warning to predators that this species is poisonous.

Red Admiral: Vanessa Atalanta

Red Admiral

These large red, white and black butterflies have very powerful wings. Most of the magnificent red admirals that we see in the UK start off in North Africa and migrate north, arriving here from late March onwards and staying until autumn. Male red admirals court their females for several hours before they begin mating.

Holly Blue: Celastrina Argiolus

Holly Blue

This stunning, vibrant, blue butterfly can be seen across most of the UK, but is most common in England and Wales. Caterpillars feed on holly and ivy buds, digging into them and eating what is inside. Holly blues are very popular in Finland, where they have been elevated to the status of national butterfly!

Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly: Aglais Urticae

Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly

The small tortoiseshell is one of the UK’s most common and beloved butterfly species. Females lay their eggs on stinging nettles, before caterpillars hatch around ten days later. When courting, the males beat their antennae on the females’ hindwings.

Common Wasp: Vespula Vulgaris

Common Wasp

Anyone who has ever tried to have a summer picnic will be familiar with this yellow and black striped insect which can be found all over the UK. Queens first come out of hibernation at the very start of spring and start to look for suitable nesting sites in a range of habitats. Wasps will try to eat anything sweet, and although we might think of them as pests, they are useful pollinators.

Ruby-tailed Wasp: Chrysis Ignita

Ruby-tailed Wasp

Ruby-tailed wasps are often called “cuckoo wasps” because they lay their eggs in other insects’ nests. Shiny and turquoise with a rich red abdomen, they are strikingly beautiful in appearance. Ruby-tailed wasps have a sting, but don’t tend to use it.

Mason Wasp: Ancistrocerus Parietum

Mason Wasp

This wasp is native to Europe and North America and gets its name because it likes to build its nests in walls. Mason wasps have black bodies with yellow stripes and narrow waists. Female mason wasps are slightly larger than males, and can control the gender of their offspring.

Red Wasp: Vespula Rufa

Red Wasp

This wasp is so-called because it has reddish-brown markings on its body. Red wasps make their nests in tree stumps, using leaf litter and soil. Badgers often destroy the nests, eating them along with the wasps, as their thick hair and skin protects them from being stung.

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