Leaders Romans Group supported the planting of 3 hectares of wildflowers in the UK in 2024-25
Leaders Romans Group has taken action to restore one of the rarest habitats in the UK: wildflower meadows. They're essential for the protection and survival of insects around the country, thus a cornerstone of our entire ecosystem and food chain.
Wildflower meadows used to cover large swaths of England but approximately 97% of them have been lost since the 1930's, an area larger than the size of Wales.
Wildflower meadows provide insects with food, shelter and transport links across counties in the UK where biodiversity has been depleted by habitat loss, development, and intensive farming. World leading study, State of Nature confirms the UK as one of the world’s most nature depleted countries, with 1 in 6 of more than 10,000 species assessed (16%) at risk of being lost from Great Britain. Some species, such as the Six-banded Nomad Bee have gone from being found all across southern England, to only being found in Devon.
Pollinators are critical to food chains and as such, wildflower meadows provide valuable support for wildlife and all life on earth, including humans. In the words of Kew Gardens, 'The more wildflowers there are, the more diverse pollinators they can support, and the more healthy crops we can grow.'
Our solution is to restore B-Lines - a network of insect pathways along which we are restoring and creating wildflower rich habitat. These pollinator highways created in partnership with GreenTheUK and Buglife will extend across the whole of the UK, allowing wildlife to move freely through our countryside and towns. Rather than covering entire regions in wildflowers, stepping stones of habitat have been created along the network to fulfil their purpose as efficiently as possible. In the event of the collapse of a wildflower habitat, having the B-Lines to provide new habitat and connect them with other wildflower meadows, we can save whole communities of insects from being lost.
In Autumn 2024, two teams from Leaders Romans Group joined us on volunteering events in Bristol and at Canvey Wick, Essex. Canvey Wick is a SSSI, home 2,000 species of invertebrates, including at least 30 species on the UK ‘red list’ of endangered species. The team hand pulled dominating species like Evening Primrose, Birch saplings and Sea Buckthorn to ensure there are ensures that there are lots of open, flower-rich areas to support the wide range of invertebrate species found on the site.
Thanks to support from Leaders Romans Group, a network of flower-rich pathways that benefits pollinators, other wildlife, and people across the UK has been created.
Wildflower Restoration in the South West (1 hectare)
Wilmott Park is a 0.9 km linear greenspace that runs through the centre of Hartcliffe in South Bristol. The park is widely used by the community and enjoyed by friends, families, and dog walkers. It features a football pitch, 'rock river,' hill slide, children’s play area, and pump track.
Leaders Romans Group joined Your Park to plant wildflower plugs in Wilmott Park, including species such as Bird’s-foot-trefoil (Lotus corniculatus), Field Scabious (Knautia arvensis), Oxeye Daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare) and Wild Carrot (Daucus carota). Planting these species in the Autumn will give the newly introduced plugs a chance to establish root systems before competitive grass species, that die-back in the colder months, return in the spring.
Wilmott Park is on the Bristol B-Line and so all the volunteers from Leaders Romans Group that generously donated their time on the day have not only supported their local area but have also secured another stepping stone in the landscape for pollinators and contributed to Buglife’s nationwide B-Lines initiative to create and restore at least 150,000 hectares of flower-rich habitat across the UK.
Further planting will be completed in Spring 2025 to bring this round of LRG's support to 3 hectares of wildflower meadows restored or created.
Wildflowers & Grasses Planted

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