TEMPUR UK supported the planting of 2.75 hectares of wildflowers in the UK in 2024-25
TEMPUR UK has taken action to restore one of the rarest habitats in the UK: wildflower meadows. They're essential for the protection and survival of insects around the country, thus a cornerstone of our entire ecosystem and food chain.
Wildflower meadows used to cover large swaths of England but approximately 97% of them have been lost since the 1930's, an area larger than the size of Wales.
Wildflower meadows provide insects with food, shelter and transport links across counties in the UK where biodiversity has been depleted by habitat loss, development, and intensive farming. World leading study, State of Nature confirms the UK as one of the world’s most nature depleted countries, with 1 in 6 of more than 10,000 species assessed (16%) at risk of being lost from Great Britain. Some species, such as the Six-banded Nomad Bee have gone from being found all across southern England, to only being found in Devon.
Pollinators are critical to food chains and as such, wildflower meadows provide valuable support for wildlife and all life on earth, including humans. In the words of Kew Gardens, 'The more wildflowers there are, the more diverse pollinators they can support, and the more healthy crops we can grow.'
Our solution is to restore B-Lines - a network of insect pathways along which we are restoring and creating wildflower rich habitat. These pollinator highways created in partnership with GreenTheUK and Buglife will extend across the whole of the UK, allowing wildlife to move freely through our countryside and towns. Rather than covering entire regions in wildflowers, stepping stones of habitat have been created along the network to fulfil their purpose as efficiently as possible. In the event of the collapse of a wildflower habitat, having the B-Lines to provide new habitat and connect them with other wildflower meadows, we can save whole communities of insects from being lost.
Thanks to support from TEMPUR UK, a network of flower-rich pathways that benefits pollinators, other wildlife, and people across the UK has been created.
Wildflower Restoration in London (0.05 hectares)
TEMPUR UK joined Buglife, GreenTheUK and the team at Katherine Buchan Meadows to enhance a small urban meadow in Hanwell. Katherine Buchan Meadow is a green space valued and managed by the local community. Named after Katherine Buchan, who built almshouses for women on the site in 1876, the project was established in 2017 to breathe some new life into the disused space and create a place that can be enjoyed by the local community. The meadow has won various awards over the years, most recently securing the Green Flag Award for 2024/25.
Volunteers from TEMPUR UK helped to prepare the site by raking the leaves and grass and removing the vegetation to expose the bare ground. They then methodically worked their way across the meadow, seeding a native wildflower mix which will enhance the floral diversity in the area. Included in the seed mix was Yellow Rattle (Rhinanthus minor), also known as the meadow maker, which parasitises on grass roots and will help to control the grasses present and make more room for wildflowers.
TEMPUR UK also helped to extend the meadow’s Stag Beetle (Lucanus cervus) loggery by digging a new trench and arranging logs and other materials to create the perfect habitat for one of our most striking beetles! London supports a nationally significant population of this species, so it’s important that we maintain areas of habitat for them.
Wildflower Restoration in Swindon (0.05 hectares)
TEMPUR UK has supported wildflower planting at St Marks Park, in partnership with Central Swindon Borough Council. The area is tucked away, creating a quiet oasis for wildlife and the community to enjoy. The seed has been carefully selected to support local birds, and pollinators. Locals have already expressed how pleased they are to see this area transformed and look forward to seeing it bloom next year.
The team worked hard to prepare the area, exposing as much soil as possible, before seeding the area and working it into the ground. More planting is taking place in Swindon in the Spring.
Wildflower Restoration in Devon (1.4 hectares)
Life on the Edge is an exciting Buglife partnership project that aims to restore viable populations of some of the UK’s rarest invertebrates and plants living along the South Devon coast between Berry Head and Wembury. Thirty threatened species will be directly supported by the project, including the last known colony of the Six-banded Nomad Bee (Nomada sexfasciata) and the striking Long-horned Bee (Eucera longicornis).
TEMPUR UK have supported 1.4 hectares of seeding at Coleton Barton Farm in Devon, which is managed by the National Trust and located at Grid Reference SX 90815 51223.
This site is located 800m inland from Froward Point SSSI and is a permanent pasture on the approach to NT Coleton Fishacre. This area has suffered from over grazing in the past, causing floristic diversity to decline. As such, the Life on the Edge project is reseeding this area to ensure the swift return of species-rich grassland which, due to its distance from the coast, may take significant time to regenerate via natural colonisation. Our goal is that over the course of Life on the Edge, this site will become part of an uninterrupted 10.1ha species-rich grassland that spans across NT Coleton Barton.
The intersection of maritime cliff and slope, deciduous woodland, and species-rich grassland in the grounds of NT Coleton Barton will allow for a broad diversity of invertebrate species and pollinators to thrive within the ample and varied forage habitats available. This includes the Long-horned Bee (Eucera longicornis) which has been sighted nearby this year in Old Mill Bay for the first time since before 1994.
Due to the varied size of the seeds, the field was power harrowed in a checkerboard pattern, as seen in the photos, and the area was seeded by hand to ensure an even spread. The advantage of this is that the seed rate is effectively far higher and with several years of hay cutting, tedding, and baling, a natural even spread across the field will be achieved.
Wildflowers & Grasses Planted

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